Monday, December 8, 2008

WotY nominees

Toes has nominees for Wiener of the Year, and they're good ones.

Weiner of the Year: Angie Voss - the CPS social worker supervisor who instigated the removal of over 400 children from the YFZ Ranch in Eldorado, TX, because it was a dangerous and scary environment for children.,5143,695271299,00.html?pg=1
"It was a very scary environment — intimidating. I was afraid. I saw men all over. It felt like the schoolhouse was surrounded," she said, "It was a fearful kind of environment."

"I heard a report that a tank was coming on the property. Things were getting more scary to me. It was a situation of a very huge magnitude with so many law enforcement officers around," she testified. The case workers wanted to interview the children in an environment that didn't seem "so scary and dangerous."
Angie Voss, CPS Supervisor, " A combination of things happened within the first two hours that caused me great concern for the children. I don't know how to describe it if you weren't there - the atmosphere and the feeling of it. It's not a place for children."
It seems unlikely that the ranch was a dangerous place for a child to live on March 28, 2008. It became a place of danger throughout the night of April 3 and ensuing days, with the appearance of untold numbers of armed Texas Rangers, an APC carrying a SWAT team with automatic weapons, SWAT snipers appointed at various places, and armed Sheriff's Deputies from at least 3 different counties entering homes, searching through personal possessions, and ordering children onto buses.

This Angie Voss is not to be confused with the good Dr. Angela Voss, Director of Kent University's Cultural Study of Cosmology and Divination Master's programme,
"Cosmology and Divination focuses on the modes of knowledge implicit in divinatory practices, in relation to the cosmological frameworks in which they arise."
Unless that's who the Texas Angie Voss thought she actually was, and was operating on cosmologically and divinely inspired knowledge as to which children would have abused 10 or 12 or 14 or 16 years from April 3, which women were teenagers or adults, and which women were pregnant or not.

You, of course, could expand the award to include Judge Barbara Walther, and the entire team of Texas CPS litigants and participants, with no argument from me.

My only other nominees would be Sen. Harry Reid, for just being who he is; and Sen. John McCain, for pretending to run for President.


Thanks, Toes! Those are some great nominees.

Ms. Voss is a most worthy nominee. Were she not so perpetually frightened of congregated men and an environment she and her kind created with militarized representatives of Der Staat driving their tanks around frightening children (like her), the prolonged and wholly unnecessary FLDS crisis might never have developed into the gigantic MCF it ultimately became.

Judge Walther's role in said MCF is also worthy of WofY status. The woman is a disgrace. She acted in clear violation of the Constitution on numerous occasions throughout the fiasco. She ultimately got the slap down she deserved from the Texas Supreme Court, but who knows how far she would have gone were it not for the intervention by the Supremes.

Harry Reid is always a front-runner for WotY. If I gave out a prize for "best imitation of a human being by a reptile", he'd win for sure.

John McCain is looking like the frontrunner right now. I haven't made my decision yet, but you have to admit, his credentials are strong.

Keep those nominees coming, gang. There's certainly plenty of Wieners deserving WotY consideration.
