Code Pink is an organization of activists working within the system to achieve political solutions to real world problems. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I knew I couldn't say that with a straight face.
What Code Pink really is is a coven of flaming psycho communist [really bad word]s opposed to all things American. Which, naturally, includes the Marines. As I detailed some months ago, Code Pink received a special permit from the city of Berkeley which allows them to protest the Marine recruiting office in that city. But, apparently, the protests in and of themselves haven't been sufficient to make the Marines disappear. So now good old Code Pink has brought in the big guns.
Code Pink is now resorting to witchcraft to beef up the number of its supporters protesting a controversial Marine Corps Recruiting Center in Berkeley, Calif.You can't make this stuff up!
The women's anti-war group has told ralliers to come equipped with spells and pointy hats...
The guy who postulated that Liberalism is a mental illness is looking more prescient with every passing day.