Thursday, May 15, 2008

The final sell-out

If you listened to blathering-head talk radio over the past two weeks, you may have heard a lot of talk about the Bush administration being pushed to designate the polar bear as an endangered species. Never mind that, by some estimates, there are as many as 5 times as many polar bears now as in 1970. It's Global Warming! It's going to drown all of the polar bears. Al Goerbells says so!

Anyway, the radio blatherers mostly ranted on about how this would spell the death knell to any hope of ever drilling in ANWR and would certainly hasten the advent of carbon taxes and such nonsense.

Well, the worst fears of the talkers came to pass yesterday, as the sniveling, cowardly, treasonous Bush administration caved to the pressure from the State-Sanctioned Religion (Environmentalism) and designated the polar bear as an endangered species.

But Vulture! How can the bears go from "threatened" to "endangered" when their numbers are...increasing?!??!? My son, that's not how it works in the surreal world of politics. It's what COULD happen, not what IS HAPPENING, that matters.

The department, in deciding to list the bear as threatened, will cite studies by its own scientists that the decline of Arctic sea ice off Alaska and Canada could result in two-thirds of the polar bears disappearing by mid-century, said federal officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because the decision had not been announced. [Emphasis mine]
And, of course they fell back on the usual old chestnut to justify their actions.
"The science is absolutely clear that polar bear needs protection under the Endangered Species Act," said Andrew Wetzler, director of the endangered species program at the Natural Resources Defense Council.
"The science". Damn the f'ing science! The only "science" promoting the Global Warming scam is that which is funded by those with something to gain from the resulting policies that are justified by the need to "fight" warming. There are enough rational (and qualified) voices shouting from the rooftops that there is no man-made Global Warming to cast doubt on THAT assertion. Of course, they're not funded by the right people.

And the radio talkers are absolutely right this time. Kiss ANWR drilling good-bye forever. Kiss pretty much ANY new oil exploration and drilling good-bye forever. Embrace the coming One-world Socialist Utopia! Embrace carbon taxes! Embrace rule by bureaucracy!

Like you have a choice.

Thanks, Bush. Thanks a butt load. Traitor.
