Monday, June 23, 2008

Democrats believe in unicorns

I've got to hand it to the Left. When they take an entrenched position, they absolutely will not abandon it. They'll resort to all manner of illogic, fabrications, diversions, and name-calling. But they will not budge, regardless of facts or the will of the American people.

Recently, I received an email from asking if I support drilling in ANWR. Given that "f'in A!!!" wasn't a response option, I answered "Yes". I was then presented with a form that allowed me to write a note to my Congressman and Senators. I thought, "Hey, why not? They'll ignore it, but it'll make me feel better."

I don't recall precisely what I wrote, nor did I save a copy of it, mainly because in the past, when I have sent these emails to my "representatives" I haven't heard squawdoosh from them. I do recall writing words to the effect that we've got to stop letting the environmental wackos dictate our country's energy policy.

To my utter surprise, I received an email reply from Senator Ben Cardin, or, at least, from one of his interns. The complete text of the email can be seen here. I did not modify anything; I only wrapped it in HTML for purposes of formatting. So all typos and misspellings are left as-is, as are the Senator's words. I mention this only so that I can't be accused of tampering with the letter to make lefties look ridiculous. Trust me, they don't need any help from ME to look ridiculous.

Here are some highlights of the letter.

  • The Senator believes that depleting the Strategic Reserve and voting for higher gas mileage standards (standards which won't be in effect until 2020) are efforts "to address rising gasoline prices".

  • The Senator is against drilling in ANWR. These are his exact words: "Drilling in ANWR would be a short-term distraction from the new long-term solutions we need to power and fuel our nation."

  • According to the Senator, ANWR "harbors a primeval wilderness ecosystem that is home to some of the most diverse wildlife habitats in the United States." Quoth the Senator: "Oil exploration and drilling are incompatible with the purposes for which this incomparable wilderness ecosystem has been set aside."

  • Finally, the Senator goes through the laundry list of "renewable" energy sources we SHOULD be investing in instead of just drilling for dumb-old oil. You know, hydrogen, wind, solar, fairy dust, unicorn farts, the aura of Brittney Spears, and healing thoughts. Okay, I made the last four up. Just checking to see if you're paying attention.
Okay, let me start by commending Senator Cardin for having the decency to respond and to do so not with words I want to hear, but with how he really votes and will vote going forward. I know Senator Cardin is just a Freshman in the Senate, but he was a long-time Congressman prior to being elected Senator, so he's no novice making novice mistakes. He's showing an honesty and candor that I find refreshing and commendable, even though he's dead wrong on all counts.
  • Voting for depletion of the Strategic Reserve isn't a solution to anything (except to assure that it'll have to be replenished in the future at higher prices).

  • Drilling in ANWR is a "short-term distraction"? Are you f'ing kidding me?!?!? The economic ignorance of our elected officials (on both sides of the aisle) is staggering! When demand for a commodity is high, the ONLY way to reduce its cost is to increase supply. That's not rocket science, that's Econ 101.

  • Waxing poetic about the "incomparable wilderness ecosystem" that is ANWR is a tired tactic. ANWR is a sh*thole. It's a frozen wasteland that makes Hell look like paradise.

  • I'm sick to death of the fairy tale pursuit of so-called renewable resources. Solar power research has been ongoing since the 70's. How's that working out? There's NOTHING to show for any of it. Wind power? It's a band-aid, and it kills birds who fly into the windmill blades. Hydrogen? Nothing but talk -- there aren't even any prototypes on the horizon. No, only unicorn farts qualifies as a more ridiculous solution to a shortage of gasoline than the aforementioned fairy tales.
Now, I don't fault Senator Cardin completely for the nonsensical "solutions" he's proposing. He's following his marching orders from the Senate leadership, primarily that colossal mental midget, Harry Reid. What I DON'T get is this. Why in the name of all that is holy don't the American people demand that Congress stop dallying with "solutions" and start opening up drilling? And by drilling, I mean pretty much drilling anywhere, because that's what it's going to take to reclaim America's energy independence.

In the meantime, the Lefties will continue their Quixotic search for their magical "renewable resources", and we'll be kept at the mercy of our oil-supplying "friends".
