Sunday, June 8, 2008

Wiener of the Week

This week's WotW isn't a person. It's the weather. Oh sure, complain about it all you want, you can't change it. Believe me, if I could, I would.

We've had a time of it here in the Mid-Atlantic region this past week. First, there was the hurricane-like conditions on Wednesday. Now we're in the midst of The Heat Wave From Hell. Yesterday's temperature of 95 (with a heat index of around 110) was 20 degrees warmer than the historical average for June 7th. Today will be hotter, around 97. It's already 87 as I write this at 10 AM. There is no relief in sight from the heat wave until about Wednesday. In the mean time, the Vulture is staying in the nest.

It might appear a bit unseemly to call the weather a wiener, but, for ruining my plans to work around the yard this weekend, and for making me sweat like I'm being interrogated in a Turkish prison, the weather is the Wiener of the Week.
