Thursday, June 19, 2008

What CAN'T Global Warming do?

Just when I thought that the Chicken Littles of the Official State Religion of Man-made Global Warming had reached the limits of absurdity, along comes this little nugget.

The tomato scare that has sickened 170 people and is the worst food scare since the E. coli/spinach outbreak is being blamed by some environmental activists on climate change and the need for more food grown with the help of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
You can't make this stuff up. These people are self-parodying.

Do yourself a favor and read the comments that follow the article. I ROFL'd. Among the best were these:
  • Environmentalists blaming something on global warming? I can’t believe it!

  • What isn’t caused by global warming?

  • My hemorrhoids are caused by global warming!

  • It’s just GOT to be Bush’s fault!

  • Global warming makes you poop on your hands?

  • Does Al Gore own an environmentally friendly guaranteed non-toxic tomato farm too?
I could go on and on...because they did. Kudos to all of them!

The Official State Religion is starting to lose traction with more and more Americans. Thank God!
