Sunday, August 17, 2008

Nancy Pelosi: saving the planet, or self-serving money whore?

Nancy Pelosi has been the Speaker of the House for about 1 1/2 years. In that time, she has shown herself to be typical of the genus Liberalis Limousineis that is predominantly found on the Upper West Side and in trendy parts of San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington, and other large cities. The fact that she flies home EVERY WEEK on an Airforce One-style aircraft at taxpayer expense while preaching to the rest of us to conserve energy is just one example of her LL cred.

Fresh off her Messianic proclamation that she is "trying to save the planet", Ms. Pelosi continues to claim that attempts to vote for offshore drilling constitute "a scam against the American people".

But little Nancy has a secret. Little Nancy has a major conflict of interest. Little Nancy has a chance for a major financial score based on making alternative fuels more attractive.

As I pointed out just three days ago, the major players for "saving the planet" seem to be all about reaping a financial windfall from their eco-scare tactics. Here's "Planet Savior" Nancy's little piece of the pie.

Not surprisingly, the nation's largest provider of natural gas for transportation, Clean Energy Fuels Corporation, or CLNE, has a great deal to gain from the adoption of Pickens' fuel strategy and the passage of Proposition 10. In fact, according to the California Secretary of State website, CLNE has contributed $3,247,250 to supporting Proposition 10's passage.

CLNE, however, was formerly known as Pickens Fuel after its primary investor, T. Boone Pickens.

While Pickens touts a plan in the name of environmentalism that will also line his company's pockets, an investigation has revealed that another environmental champion and backer of Proposition 10 has also invested in CLNE: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California.

According to the investigation, Pelosi purchased $50,000-$100,000 in CLNE stock on May 25, 2007, apparently on its initial public offering.

Now the House speaker stands to make a large profit on her reported 22,000 shares of CLNE if she and other public figures can persuade the people of California to vote for Proposition 10 in the name of renewable energy and clean, alternative fuels.
Isn't that special? Little Nancy stands to make a profit on her shares of CLNE...but only if public sentiment towards the shift to alternative energy sources is heightened by high gasoline prices. And who is it that's keeping the price of gasoline high by refusing to allow a simple "yes/no" vote on offshore drilling? Why, none other than little "I'm trying to save the planet/I stand to make buck" Nancy Pelosi.

Let's take roll, shall we?

Al Gorebells - Mr. Global Warming, chief propagandist for Big Climate (owns the company to which he pays his "carbon credits"): hypocrite/charlatan.

Richard Branson - announced a €1.9 billion "gift" to fight global warming (which turns out to be the creation of a new energy company that he owns and from which he will make billions): hypocrite/charlatan.

T. Boone Pickens - crusade to make natural gas part of the alternative fuels effort by pushing for Prop 10 (owns CLNE, so Prop 10 will make him billions): hypocrite/charlatan.

Nancy Pelosi - self-proclaimed planet savior, single-handedly holding up a vote that can make America a little more energy-independent and give consumers a little relief from high gasoline prices (stands to make huge profits on her CLNE stock from public opinion concerning high gasoline prices): hypocrite/charlatan.

By your fruits you shall know them. They're nothing but availability entrepreneurs, using their power and position to further enrich themselves regardless of how it may affect the "little people".

But here's the real pisser in all of this. No one in big media is looking into this apparent and easily-verifiable story. No one in either house of Congress is calling for an investigation. No one is calling for the impeachment of the Speaker. No one is doing anything.

It makes me sick.
