Saturday, August 16, 2008

Wiener of the Week

For the third week running, the WotW relates to the issue of oil drilling and the Congress that (a) won't vote on it because of the personal mendacity of Speaker Nancy Pelosi (more on that in my next post, coming soon), (b) is using it as an issue to grandstand for political points (Yea Team Elephant! Way to show real leadership by giving speeches in the dark. Asshats!), and (c) is using it as an issue to grandstand for political points (Yea Team Donkey! Way to show real leadership by hiding behind the skirt of your mendacious House leader and parroting her talking points! Asshats!).

Face it, we are suffering not from a surfeit of oil, but from a surfeit of honest, competent leadership.

For their hard work and leadership, appreciated by at least 14% of the populous who still think they're doing a swell job, Congress is the Wiener of the Week.
