Saturday, August 23, 2008

Wiener of the Week

This week's WotW is Barack {don't say his middle name or you're a racist} Obama for his stunning feat of managing to be in a dead heat in the polls with the dreary and unappealing John McCommie in spite of having the national media practically fellating him on a daily basis.

He follows a pathetic performance at the little Faux-Evangelical Church of Rick Warren gathering with the announcement of Senator Hairplugs as his VP candidate. Senator Plagiarism is one of the most liberal (and, reportedly, most condescending) men to have ever disgraced the halls of Congress. He has revealed, through comments he has made in the past, that he is both a bigot and a know it all. Senator "I have a higher IQ than you do" is well known for his talent for bloviation. It was once said that while asking a "question" of a Senate investigation witness, he spoke about himself for 14 minutes before getting to the actual information he wished to obtain from said witness.

But an even bigger storm lurks on the horizon, a storm that has this Vulture ready to circle.

Someone asked me, when Hillary Clinton was sinking and Mr. {} was running away with the primaries, if old Slewfoot was done for. I said I wouldn't believe she was done until I could witness the stake through that cold, hard wad of leather she calls a heart. How prophetic those words!

It started as a low rumble...but now it is gaining steam. The supporters of the Lizard Queen have begun a campaign to dethrone the media's darling so their queen can be the candidate for Team Donkey. First came the push to have 666's name placed in nomination at the convention, which was successful. Now there's this little gem.

A prominent Philadelphia attorney and Hillary Clinton supporter filed suit this afternoon in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania against Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, the Democratic National Committee and the Federal Election Commission. The action seeks an injunction preventing the senator from continuing his candidacy and a court order enjoining the DNC from nominating him next week, all on grounds that Sen. Obama is constitutionally ineligible to run for and hold the office of President of the United States.
It seems there are Constitutional questions regarding whether Obama's mother had met the requirements for Obama to be considered a citizen by birth. I've heard different variations on this, and don't feel like doing the research right this moment (Saturday laziness, you know?), but the law is written to the effect that if {} was born in Hawaii, as is claimed by his camp, his mother, being only 18 years old and out-of-country for some time in Kenya prior to {}'s birth, didn't meet minimum requirements. And if, as is claimed by some, including the filer of the lawsuit, {} WAS born in Kenya, then he's doubly not a "born" citizen.

It's starting to look like my Chicago '68 dream may come true after all! Oh, let it be so!!!

Barack {} Obama, thanks for being my Wiener of the Week. You've made my week!
