Thursday, January 31, 2008

TVL Biggest Day Ever

Mad props and much love to James McGovern at Enterprise Architecture: From Incite comes Insight..., who featured The Vulture's take on the utter failure of outsourcing in his post titled "Links for 2008-01-30"

Mr. McGovern provided a link to my comments and he also had some nice things to say.

Outsourcing - no so hot
Good to see a balanced perspective. This blogger doesn't seem to be afraid to admit that he is Christian which is refreshing.
As a result of his post and comments, TVL experienced the single best day in terms of site hits in the short history of the blog. A normal day averages 3 hits. Yesterday the site had 15. Now, big bloggers like Vox Day at Vox Popoli will see 15 hits per minute (or more), so it's not like I'm getting a big head here or something. However, it is nice to see that by keeping at it and posting as I have things to say, eventually people will discover the blog and traffic will increase.

Again, much thanks to Mr. McGovern and his excellent tech blog.
