Monday, November 3, 2008

Wiener of the Month - October

While it would be tempting to tag AOL for this "honor" in the wake of its WotW award earlier today, the fact is that there's a more worthy recipient.

Big Media (the BM) has distinguished itself during this current election cycle with the cynical way it has waived the pompoms for Barack Hussein Obama and savaged anyone who stood as a potential obstacle to the ascension of their lord and savior.

Thanks to the BM, I know more about Sarah Palin (most of it cartoonish and exaggerated) than I know about BHO. Thanks to the BM, I know more about Joe the Plumber (most of it cartoonish and exaggerated) than I know about BHO.

And it's not just Chris Matthews sporting wood at the mere mention of BHO's name. It's the way the BM has ignored everything about BHO that might hurt his chances of being seated on the thrown of One-World Socialist Utopia. Tony Rezko? Associations with radical leftists, anti-America zealots, and communists? Share the wealth? 57 states? * sound of crickets chirping *

They shamelessly harp on Sarah Palin's inexperience, when all she's done is serve as Governer of an energy producing state, clean up statewide corruption (including exposing corruption by members of her own party!), and serve as commander-in-chief of the Alaska National Guard. But Mr. Community Organizer (leftist-speak for "communist agitator") has all of the experience you could EVER ask for.

They take an unknown small businessman, pull all of his data from government computers in collusion with corrupt Ohio government officials, and crucify the guy for having the audacity to ask His Holiness a question!

The media has been in the tank for a candidate before (see Clinton, William J.). But never before has it served as an actual propaganda agent for a campaign. This is the most shameless thing I've seen in my lifetime.

Congratulations to the BM for their victory in tomorrow's elections! And're the Wiener of the Month.
