Friday, April 4, 2008

Wiener of the Month

Oh my goodness! In all of the crunch at work, it completely slipped my mind that I need to name my Wiener of the Month for March. Fortunately, there's really only one candidate -- HRC. The Beast.

She had momentum. She had backing. She had Obama on the ropes trying to dig out from the Rev. "he ain't" Wright scandal.

And then she fabricated a story about being under sniper fire...and it all went *poof*.

I've seen politicians shoot themselves in the foot with their big mouths before (see "Hart, Gary"). But this one takes the cake. All she had to do was keep a low profile. All she had to do was stay low and let the media pound on Obama for supporting a racist pastor for 20 years. All she had to do was keep her ugly pie hole shut - and she couldn't do it.

For absolutely ruining her chances to be the next president, HRC -- you're the Wiener of the Month.
