Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Liberal fascism -- the race card

How I abhor the race card! Con men Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton deal it from the bottom of the deck in a dual effort to keep themselves relevant as well as to fuel "donations" to their grievance-mongering industry. Excuse me, that's grievance-mongering AND extortion. Think of the companies that have paid millions to get Jesse Jackson to just go away. Toyota springs immediately to mind. Viacom. You get the picture.

Now the Brits are at it. Worse than just playing the race card, or even dealing it from the bottom of the deck, they're playing it against toddlers and even babies.

Toddlers who say "yuck" when given flavorful foreign food may be exhibiting racist behavior, a British government-sponsored organization says.

The London-based National Children's Bureau released a 366-page guide counseling adults on recognizing racist behavior in young children, The Telegraph reported Monday.

The guide, titled Young Children and Racial Justice, warns adults that babies must also be included in the effort to eliminate racism because they have the ability to "recognize different people in their lives."
I see. So......since I absolutely HATE curry, I'm a racist. Ipso facto. But I love Thai, Mexican, Chinese, and Vietnamese! No matter. I don't like curry. I don't like hummus. I'm a racist.

As absurd as that may sound, the idea that a toddler, whose tastes probably don't extend much beyond mac and cheese, and who probably hates 90% of all food offered him, is a racist, is among the most absurd things I've ever read, and I've read some pretty absurd things.

What this is is a leftist organization looking to leverage white guilt as a vehicle to gain more control over the nation's children. Brits would be wise to hoot these asshats off the stage. We have enough problems in this world without inventing new ones.
