Sunday, July 27, 2008

Wiener of the Week

The WotW for this week is not a single person. It is not an organized group of people. No, this week you can think of the WotW as a class-action award. This week the "wieners" are the tens -- hell, maybe HUNDREDS -- of thousands of people who plan to hold their nose and vote for John McCommie this November.

William Grigg, a man of principle, has said:

[T]he "lesser" evil isn't; when it is chosen it is always the greater evil, because it's the one that is actually done, rather than serving as a convenient rhetorical device.
Those people who will vote for McCommie because "Obama is worse", or their fear is of "the damage Obama could do with court appointments", or who have the mistaken notion that "we'll be able to have some input with McCain that we won't have with Obama" are drinking that Team Elephant Kool-Aid.

The worst damage done to personal freedoms and the most long-term damage done via creeping Socialism post-LBJ has been done by REPUBLICANS. See, Bush, George W., if you doubt what I'm saying.

A liberal-leaning Republican is several orders of magnitude worse for the nation than the most Marxist Democrat. A Democrat could have never normalized relations with Communist China; it took Nixon to do that. A Democrat could have never implemented wage/price setting tyranny; it took Nixon to do that. Democrats couldn't get socialist health care passed; it took GWB to get an incrementalist version of that passed.

Pay attention, people! The worst possible thing that can come out of this election is a McCommie victory! Just because he has an 'R' after his name doesn't mean he's playing for the same team as you. He isn't. He's a One-Worlder, in the mold of his idols, Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. You're idiots if you waste your vote on him. Idiots. And well-deserving of the Wiener of the Week.
