Thursday, September 11, 2008

Harry hits a homer

It seems that Harry over at What I think you should read has a pretty good grasp of the Official State-Sanctioned Religion.

The Progressive Movement that is marching across our Nation at this time is driven by Marxist and socialist ideology mixed in with the religion of Global Warming. GW is leveraged by the progressives to reach their goal. These “progressive” and “forward” thinkers like to whip on Christians and other religious Americans claiming that they are not as intellectually sound or enlightened. The progressives employ softer words than Karl Marx to bash religion as “the opiate of the masses” but generally share that view. This is sweet irony, for no religious fad I have ever seen or heard of has caught on like Global Warming. Not even Oprah’s religion is getting that kind of hysterical following.

Indeed Global Warming is a natural pantheistic movement that has as much hold on its followers as any Christian Church I know. Perhaps even more-so.
Harry then goes on to make a point-by-point comparison of Christian tradition and the equivalent tradition within the OSSR. I can't do it justice with excerpts. You gotta read it for yourself.

Things I would add to what Harry has written:

Dealing with unbelievers. The Christian version was the Catholic church's Inquisitions of the middle ages. The OSSR's version is to shout down competing voices, and ignore, marginalize, demonize, or destroy their opponents.

Cultivating belivers. In the Christian version, missionaries are designated to bring the Good News to every nation, tongue, and people. The OSSR's version is Big Media, which parrots the orthodoxy of its Priesthood (led by Al Goerbells) as incontrovertible fact.
