Monday, September 22, 2008

Wiener of the Week

File this week's WotW one under: do you live on the same planet as the rest of us? Or, perhaps, under Twilight Zone Media.

Apparently, some members of Big Media (the BM for short) live such insulated, compartmentalized lives that they cannot distinguish reality from "the script". This guy is exhibit A.

The Sarah Palin Phenomenon is doomed.

But it's not because of her lack of foreign policy experience or her deer-in-the-headlights look during part of her interview last week with ABC's Charles Gibson.

The primary reason why the Palin bubble will burst is that the media will decide that they are bored with her. They'll need to move to shine a light on a fresh issue or individual.

This is how the world works in the age of 24/7 news cycles. Whether the subject is Britney Spears, Michael Jordan or Sarah Palin, we inevitably raise stars to mythic levels, out of all reasonable proportions. Then we knock them down. (Look out, Michael Phelps. Your time is coming, too.)
"We build 'em up, and we take 'em down." That's the script. There's only one problem: nobody in the BM was remotely responsible for "building up" Sarah Palin! That was a legitimate grass roots phenomenon. Taking her down (or, at least trying to) has been the raison d’être for the BM for a solid 3 weeks now.

The hubris! The self-importance! The unmitigated gall of this clown! But, and I can't emphasize this enough, what is most striking, well beyond the arrogance, is the self-delusion. This guy simply cannot see past "the script". Reality and "the script" are one in the same. This guy not only shouldn't be writing, he should be institutionalized.

Jon Friedman, for your self-delusional jaunt into the Twilight Zone, you're the Wiener of the Week!
