Thursday, September 18, 2008

He's baaaaaaaaaack!

One of my original regulars, dw, a friend of mine since high school (a loooooooooong time ago, class of '76!), broke his leg two months ago and hasn't been able to participate in the Wake at TVL since. Now he's back...with a vengeance!

Vulture sir, I am back.

I have not read any of the past 2 months of stuff. So I thought I would make my proclamation. I am now for McCain, I love Sarah, Obama is a terrorist in drag.

The feds should not be bailing out all these losers; they are not bailing me out from being disabled for 2 months, [Maryland governor Martin] O'Malley is a bitch, and we are winning the war. Oh yeah, for all you Bush bashers, I like him - 6 years of the best markets we have had and the last year and a half of shit does NOT make him evil. Blame the congress.

So with that I am happy to finally be able to walk and slowly getting off the drugs. Love ya!
Dude, you have no idea how much I missed you! Welcome back, and keep bringing it strong!
Oh Yeah, I forgot HAPPY FRIGGIN' 50TH VULTURE! I turn the big 51 in two days. So what did you do for the day? Sorry I missed it.
Check out here and here for all the gory details. And, you know what? 50 ain't so bad. It beats the alternative...
