Saturday, September 13, 2008

Wiener of the Week

This week's WotW comes with a tip of the beak to Rachel Lucas, who called my attention to this little item.

I’m not posting the pic here, just click on the link (it’s to Ace of Spades) and see what the fine patriotic hope-changers over at Daily Kos are laughing about; it’s 9/11-related. It’ll piss you off more than you might like.
Ooh, a picture. I like pictures. I guess I'll go over to Ace of Spades HQ and check it out.
It's funny. It's funny because it's true.

What, you don't get it? Well nothing's funny if you analyze it to death.

I have a screencap, too, for when they inevitably yank it.

Don't question their patriotism, though.

And don't question the patriotism of Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Keith Olbermann and other assorted Koz Kidz, either.
Okay, so by now you've just GOT to see this picture, this representation of what passes for humor among humorless automaton leftists. Here it is.

Priceless, isn't it.

If you don't like this picture, it's because you're one of THEM, the right-wing illiterate redneck hillbillies who aren't as smart (God, do they EVER remind us how f'ing smart they are every f'ing chance they get!), nor as nuanced, nor as well-educated, nor as evolved as they.

And, yes, they DID pull the picture. Not, mind you, because it was offensive or anything. It's just that we mindless hillbillies were making a big deal out of it.

Personally, I'm neither offended nor surprised by the picture. Why? Because these socially autistic, culturally tone-deaf morons can't POSSIBLY be expected to act like real human beings. It's just not in them.

Thanks, Kos-monots, for reminding me why I so loath the left. You're the Wiener of the Week.
