Wednesday, October 29, 2008

AOL sucks!

I'm in the process of helping a friend with their business website. One of the things they wanted as part of the site was a flash (or flash-like) pictures-in-motion kind of effect on the home page. No problem, thinks I, as I have an AOL Pictures account and it has an embed widget called WooHoo that will show slideshows in a pictures-in-motion kind of way.

EXCEPT...those MFers at AOL have pulled the plug on AOL Pictures effective 12/31!!!

Oh, and did I mention that all of the little inset pictures I use in my posts are stored on AOL Pictures? This really sucks! I now have to edit over 320 posts if I want them to display w/o broken picture symbols after 12/31. And I STILL have to come up with a pictures-in-motion flash embed for my friend's site that doesn't involve paying over $900 for Adobe Flash.

So what's next, AOL? Is my email going away, too? (You know I'll be moving to gmail immediately now!)

You suck! Your mothers suck! All of your ancestors suck! I hope you contract an incurable, itchy, painful venereal disease, you bastards.
