Wednesday, October 8, 2008

NOW my head is going to explode

Tip of the beak to yodaddy, who called this debacle to my attention.

Less than a week after the federal government committed $85 billion to bail out AIG, executives of the giant AIG insurance company headed for a week-long retreat at a luxury resort and spa, the St. Regis Resort in Monarch Beach, California, Congressional investigators revealed today.

"Rooms at this resort can cost over $1,000 a night," Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA) said this morning as his committee continued its investigation of Wall Street and its CEOs.

AIG documents obtained by Waxman's investigators show the company paid more than $440,000 for the retreat, including nearly $200,000 for rooms, $150,000 for meals and $23,000 in spa charges.

"They're getting their pedicures and their manicures and the American people are paying for that," said Cong. Elijah Cummings (D-MD).
Steady, Vulture. Steady. This blog is still PG-rated.

The BALLS of those mf'ers! (So much for the PG-rating - *sigh*).

Have they no shame? No shame at all? They take $85 billion of our money...let me repeat that, our effing money...and they're off getting manicures and massages at a pricey resort. What? Were they celebrating that they were able to get over on the American people with such ease? Were they celebrating the fact that their friends in Congress, fully bought and paid for via years of "campaign contributions" (read: legal bribes) did what they were paid to do and rewarded their greed and financial irresponsibility by chumping the good old American tax payer (who, you'll recall, pays on a "progressive" scale based on income, not net worth...meaning that I get taxed the same as (or more than!) a trust-fund Kennedy while having a net worth significantly south of their lazy ass)?

If your Congressman voted for the fatcat bailout (mine, Congressman Roscoe Bartlett, did NOT), you need to vote his/her ass out of office. With malice.

One more thing, for those of you still intending for vote for McCommie or Obama...BOTH voted for the pork-laden steaming pile. Both.

But I'm the one "wasting my vote" by NOT voting for either of them....
