Friday, October 3, 2008

Wiener of the Month

Yeah, I'm late...again. So sue me! It's not like anything on this blog is done according to a regimented schedule. Anyway, I'd really rather talk about last night's VP Debate (I'll get to it later today or tomorrow at the latest).

Hmmm. September. So many wieners to choose from.

Do I pick the BM (Big Media) for their over-the-top treatment of Sarah Palin? (Contrast, if you will, the "*poof* it's gone!" treatment of John Edwards, erstwhile presidential candidate, actually caught in a real scandal...heard anything about that lately? Yeah, didn't think so. Must be the 'D' after his name...).

Or what about the Chicken Littles running around proclaiming economic apocalypse if we don't hand over the economic keys of the country to the Secretary of the Treasury?

Or the so-called "conservative" commentariat (particularly the female members) lining up to kill Sarah Palin when she's the only positive thing McCommie has going for him?

No, the Wiener of the Month is John McCommie. Good Lord, how in the world can you take a "bump" like the one McCommie came out of August with, where he was actually ahead of Obama/Hairplugs in some polls, and finish September 5-9 points behind?

The problem, in the humble estimation of this carrion-loving bird, is that McStupid hid Sarah Palin under a basket for the past month because he's been cowered by the scathing media witch hunt against her. As she proved last night against Senator Hairplugs, she's a big girl and can give as good as she takes. She was the only positive he had going for him, so what's the dumbass do? He sends her back to Alaska for a month and totally tanks his momentum. Way to go, asshat!

For torpedoing his own electoral chances for fear of the BM, John McCommie is the Wiener of the Month for September.
